Thursday, August 24, 2017

Week 9 Blog

Topic 1:

A lot of instances I can think of where eyebrows were raised all involve my parents or an adult. Most of the times kids download music on their phones and play music in their car off an aux cord. Once I started driving I had one in my car and my parents would occasionally ride in the car with either my siblings and I or my friends and I. Of course they disapproved of our "vulgar" music and would always give me "the look" every time. My parents love hip hop music but they don't agree with some of the choices artists today choose to talk about in their songs. It was always somewhat awkward for me when my parents would do this, especially if it was one of my friends playing the music. The two kinds of music I mainly listen to are hip hop and country. Some of my favorite artists are Wiz Khalifa, Keith Urban, and Snoop Dogg.

Topic 2:

I think the idea of these students running a radio station is a great idea. I am very big on getting people to be involved as much as they can be, so I love when students come up with new ideas. I think something they could consider is broadcasting sporting events that are occurring at Linn Benton. They could also come up with some format to produce to different clubs and organizations that will pay them to advertise. I think this is also a big way they can get some funding for it as well. I also think if they were to broadcast things for the school they may consider funding them.

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